Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What is wrong with the future.

Okay.. so today I've been kind of annoyed with the world. Why is it that when someone makes a mistake they are bad people? i mean god said, "forgive and forget". Why is it so hard for us all to do that? We all make mistakes so who cares as long as they correct the mistake from happening again. We aren't perfect and no one will ever be perfect. We are all afraid of letting someone down or making mistakes but its life. We are all going to make mistakes so we need to just except it.
We are always busy blaming other people for our problems and we don't stop to actually think about how they are feeling. People get so stuck on themselves that we don't realize when someone is hurting or could really use the help. As i get older I'm starting to realize how much we really are different from everyone else. In high school I would always try and be the friend that everyone could talk to and when they did i caught myself saying that i "knew how they felt". How could someone know how they felt when we are completely different? Even if you did go through the same thing everyone is still different. No matter what, we are all going to have different opinions, and outlooks. Now instead of just saying i understand or yeah, i know how you feel we all need to step back and see where they are coming from.
Why do we work so hard to make other people like us? Half the time we don't even like our selves. We should be putting ourselves in front of others but we are to stubborn to do so. We always wish we looked a curtain way or wanted something so bad that we would do anything to get it. But we never work to get it. its always just a wish or a want. Why do we put ourselves through that? Why cant we just like our self the way we see others. Whats so hard about liking us? There is no ugly there is only beautiful. Everyone has beauty in them no matter how rude, selfish, or any kind of problems they may have. we are all equal and should all be loved and cared for the same.

any ways..
bye =]

Saturday, April 9, 2011


Family means EVERYTHING to me. I know i may not show it a lot but i want my family to know that i do love them. We have gone through a lot together and we've always gotten through our hard times. we may not be the perfect family but hey who is! When your younger you always wish to be older and cant wait to move out and be on your own. What you don't realize is how hard it is to be on your own. It seems like we take family for Granted a lot. I cant imagine losing a parent or siblings. When my grandpa died a couple of years ago i thought my life was over. I couldn't believe someone so amazing and someone i had loved so much was taken away from me. I miss him so much and will never forget him. Any who, i'm going to stop blabbering now.. I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

MOM- your the best.. when ever i need to vent or have a problem you are always there for me. Your the strongest person i have ever know. i love you!

DAD- I look up to you in so many ways. You always know how to make me laugh and cheer me up. When ever we have a problem you stop what your doing and help us. i love you!

THANKS MOM&DAD- for everything you've done for me and the family!!

JASON- MY BIG BROTHER.. Your Very respectful, Strong, Smart, loving, hard worker, and a Great listener. i love you!

TIFFINI- I know i haven't talked to you as much but i do love you Tiffini. Your my big sister and always there when i need someone. You've been the one that has push me to do my best and never gave up on me. You are so respectful, caring, and loving to everyone. The most Talented/craftiest person i know. thanks for everything you've done for me i love you!

MINDI- In the past we've had our hard times but we have gotten through them together. You've always been there when i need to vent or needed some advice. Has a wonderful personality. Your so strong and have been through a lot. i respect you for working so hard and always making sure you have the best for rilee. i love you!

CASSIE- Strong and doesn't care what anyone thinks of her. You always work hard and never gives up. There for anyone when they need to talk or need help. You too have pushed me to do my best and never gave up on me. You've helped me out a lot in life and i want to thank you for that. i love you!

KESHA- Nicest, and loving person you will ever meet. Great at volleyball, drawing, and photography. Would do anything for anyone. I know we never got a long when we were little but I'm really glad that we are able to get to know each other and spend time with one another. Doesn't give up and always does her best. You have a wonderful personality and so strong headed. i love you!